Dave: So things didn’t work out with D.?
Michèle: Nope. I really have a hard time with relationships, these days… Girls are so fucking complicated.
Dave: You mean boys are easier?
Michèle: Of course. You guys are so easy. [makes brain-switch-off motion] So unchallenging it is restful sometimes.
Dave: Alright, then stick to guys.
Michèle: Meh. Girls have nicer ass.
Dave: Right. Plus sometimes guys wanna cuddle after sex.
Michèle: Yea, what’s up with that ?
Category: Quickies
Mothership reconnection…
semester over. stop. made it alive. stop. merry kwanzukkah to all. stop. will resume posting pithy comments on daily activities and the world at large : very soon. full stop.
I have been dragging a stuffy nose for weeks months now and wake up each day with a fit of dry cough that makes me feel like I’m about to hack up a lung for good. Starting to worry a little bit.
Have I…
Yet Another Music Quiz
I know I haven’t posted much (read: anything) of interest on this blog in a long while.
This isn’t about to change. But in the meantime, here is a Music Quiz, on par with what we had here a while back, made of dub, reggae, disco and pretty much everything in between… It’s tough but interesting (very large spectrum and a few unsuspected samples).
Go have a go at it (I think I got about 5 out of eight).
An Indian Summer in Paris
I dunno if this week’s forecast of warm temperatures and summery sunshine, coming after a full month of rainy Winter in August, is Parisian Gods’ way of saying “Look, I’m sorry for what happened, I’ll treat you better from now on”…
But if it is, then consider this my most heartfelt “Too little, too late” break-up letter.
Traveling Incognito
Lining in front of me this morning at the subway ticket counter: a vastly overweight woman wearing offendingly stretchy pseudo-designer clothes and tacky sunglasses, extra large Starbucks latte in one hand, giant glazed donut of same, in the other, busy yapping with another equally attired woman in the loudest yankee accent this side of Jersey…
Just when I’m about to turn the volume up on my headphones, I get a glance at the tiny flag proudly pinned to her backpack and nearly fall over laughing.
Oh yea. She looked Canadian alright. Nearly had me fooled too.
Pet peeve of the day…
Programmers who can’t spell…
Dear unknown person who produced this unspeakably awful batch of code I have to work with:
While I realize your first language is not English, and even though I have my doubts about your French spelling abilities for that matter, could you please make an effort and not spell it ‘avaliable’ in a few hundred files and templates?
I know the code works all the same. It just bugs the hell out of me.
Stunted Artistic Endeavour
On my way to work this morning, it downed on me that what the world so desperately needs right now is yet another Human League electro remix, and that I may be the ideal candidate for the task.
Unfortunately, my project-manager, on the other hand, seems to think that what the world desperately needs, is another 3000 lines of code by Monday and that, incidentally, I am the ideal, if not only, candidate for the task.
I think I may be a sell-out.
Should I officially freak out?
OK, here is one for the Agatha Christie crowd out there:
I come home after a long day at work (and at the pub) to a supposedly empty apartment.
There are three small, oddly shaped, puddles right in the middle of my living room and, although it has been raining today, I live on the 4th of 6th floors (that is: neither under the roof, nor potentially close to any heretofore undiscovered Parisian groundwater spring). The wallpaper-covered ceiling above said puddles shows no trace of humidity.
Can anyone please point me to an explanation that doesn’t involve an incontinent Siberian tiger breaking into my place during the afternoon and currently sleeping on my bed in the back?
Bridging the Language Gap, One Brick at a Time
This morning before work, I had to put my bank in Paris on the phone through to my bank in Tokyo.
I seriously don’t know which one of the two spoke the least English.