Further reason why reading up reference material for your own neuroscience paper is a total bummer:

[…] After neuronal recording was completed, monkey RO was anesthetized with an overdose of Nembutal (90 mg/kg, i.m.) and transcardially perfused with 10 % formaldehyde in 0.9 % NaCl. The brain was removed and consecutive, 50 µm-thick, frozen sections were cut parallel to the recording electrode penetrations in the frontal plane.

“Ooh, my, that’s interesting… and what fascinating data did we get from those frozen sections of the frontal pl… Hey! Wait a minute… You did what to monkey RO?! I was just getting to know monkey RO! Damn you people. He was just an innocent Japanese monkey (Macaca fuscata, male, 8.9 kg): young and promising, with still so much to give!”


“Oh well, I guess on the upside, we now know that corticostriatal neurons show distinct action-value-related firing patterns when you let monkeys play Pong… You shall not have died in vain (and your brain frozen and sliced to pieces while your heart was being pumped full of embalming fluid), little monkey RO!”

PS: For those wondering: as is commonly the case in such research papers, “anesthetized” is the mother of all euphemisms for “killed the death out of it”.

PPS: I guess this shall simultaneously address a question on everybody’sthree people’s (family and cat included) mind: “What is Dave up to and why don’t we see much of him here lately”.

In a word?


Allow me to illustrate:

Situation 1. Computer science paper:

“Mmn. These graph mapping simulations are really taking a while to complete, maybe I should get a new laptop.”

Situation 2. Cognitive science paper:

“Yes, hello, I’d like to order a dozen rhesus monkeys with proper wiring and electrode setup. Do you deliver?”

If rum and eggnog do not work fast enough to reach that coveted state of christmas-enjoying numbness, try chewing on fresh pine needles.
If all else fails, hit your head repeatedly on a corner of the fireplace on that spot right between the eyes until vision starts to blur.

Don’t thank me.

22nd, 3pm: got all my damn xmas presents
22nd, 3:20pm: hot chocolate and good byes with S.
22nd, 4pm: walking to the station
23rd, 10am: sitting on my bed in a t-shirt, windows wide-open


Protein Alignment

Protein 1: Cytochrome P450-Terp (412 residues)
Protein 2: Cytochrome P450 (Bm-3) (E.C. (457 residues)
Iteration #4: RMSDc=3.36383

My first α-carbon-based protein alignment!

I’ve got a lump in my throat…