Holiday Mushiness Therein…

A tightly-packed ball of childhood holiday nostalgia just for you…

I think the book and audio tape were a christmas gift from our aunt some 20 years ago (personal message: Hi Auntie Carol! merry christmas to you and the rest of the family up there in Knaresborough!)… I am pretty sure we ran that tape back into complete white noise over a period of two or three holiday seasons.

(praise be to the internets, and to Yuki for reminding me this even existed)


  1. I was google-ing information for my french class about France budget for education in comparison to the US and ended in your blog about 1 month ago. I was really cautivated by it. and today, for some unknown reason, I remembered one of the quotes you had there ” you can go a long way with a smile. you can go a lot farther with a smile and a gun”, so I tried to look up your blog again. it took me an awful time. I remembered these things : france usa budget for 2007, things you will miss and a picture of your bike, that you had lived in Japan and now living in Paris, that your name was something closed to David, and that your blogspot was something closed to “unknown intelligent” . So, I
    google-d … for 25 minutes.

    In case you get lost in cyberspace one day, you can find yourself in 4 easy steps:

    1. go to
    2. type in the search bar: blogspot things i will miss bike tokyo paris
    3. when results show up, click on page #4
    4. click web site result #8

    et voilà.



    PS: to me, your blog is better than the Seattle times, but that’s just me…

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