Family Fun

Hope you’re all enjoying your hangover-nursing time in between holiday celebrations.

Things are still cold around here, thanks for asking. Nut-freezingly so, I may add…

One of the interesting difference between regular snowball fights and snowball fights in a negative double-digit temperature environment, is that the later involves heavy blocks of icy snow, instead of that usual powdery sissy stuff they use elsewhere. Battles haven’t been any less fierce for that. Serious efforts were put into reducing the inheritance pool, but only succeeded so far in a slightly bruised nose and ego. Not mine in both cases, mind you.

Damages were inflicted in total self-defense and during a not so subtle attempt by the younger sibling to part yours truly with the unstoppable seduction power of his piercing gaze by taking out his left eye with a heavy sharpened piece of ice. The weight of said weapon, combined with the extremely slippery nature of the ground, proved instrumental in foiling this evil plan and administer a just retaliation.

E. arrived on the 24th and has been enjoying the snowy surroundings, especially ever since she wised up to the fact there weren’t arctic wolves roaming the neighbourhood at night, as I had initially claimed. Sadly, with this also came the realization that the pictures of fawns and otters probably hadn’t been taken in the garden either. But she’ll get over it.

Other highlights of the week-end included titular family buffoon, yet fairly abstinent, middle brother actually snorting a line of powdered sugar off the lunch table, Ozzy-style. It is hard to properly do justice to this grand moment of dysfunctional family entertainment, which took place during the quiet Christmas lunch, long before any of the alcohol-fueled celebration of the evening. I don’t know if I was more disturbed by the laughters he managed to elicit from the 90-year-olds present, or the ease with which he rolled his twenty-dollar bill…

And all along good uncle dr Dave was playing christmas carol acid house anthems on the piano…

A warm, fuzzy and merry christmas I tell you…


  1. Planet der Visionen. capital V as all nouns in German are capitalized … “what’s wrong with German people?” (Cartman in Southpark: BLU)

  2. Nacken: fixed it, thanks… for the benefits of others who might be desperately looking for that text on the page above: it is likely not there, since it is part of the pool of random stupid quotes that is displayed beneath the banner…

  3. ah ,, a stupid quote randomizer .. neato … btw, i guess you heard alredy, but hear in Tokyo was it snowing like crazy, temp dropped and my nuts freeze easily .. especially in japanese houses …

    one day i want to know how this ‘advice to spammers’ thing down there works … counting eaten spam and displaying it is fun 🙂

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