Sometimes at night…

Ah, Joys of Studying…

Giving myself the night off.

Actual partying being out of the question, we ran to Tsutaya to rent a DVD…

Probably one of my favorite of all times as it stands (and to all the ladies out there: if you think Brad Pitt can hold a candle to Marcello Mastroianni, you’ve got no taste).

Qualche volta, la notte, quest’oscurità, questo silenzio, mi pesano.
Sometimes at night the darkness and silence weighs upon me…

E’ la pace che mi fa paura. Temo la pace più di ogni altra cosa:
Peace frightens me; perhaps I fear it most of all.

mi sembra che sia soltanto un’apparenza , e nasconda l’inferno.
I feel it is only a façade hiding the face of hell.

Pensa a cosa vedranno i miei figli domani…
I think, ‘What is in store for my children tomorrow?’

Il mondo sarà meraviglioso, dicono. Ma da che punto di vista, se basta uno squillo di telefono ad annunciare la fine di tutto?
‘The world will be wonderful’, they say. But from whose viewpoint? if one phone call could announce the end of everything?

Bisogna di vivere fuore dalle passione e altri sentimenti nell’armonia che c’è nell’opera d’arte reuscita, in quell’ordino incantato.
We need to live in a state of suspended animation like a work of art, in a state of enchantment.

Vodremmo reuscire al amarci tanto, da vivere fuore del tempo, distacati…
We have to succeed in loving so greatly that we live outside of time, detached…


Steiner to Marcello in La Dolve Vita

Filed under: Movies


  1. Eh… ;o)

    Actually, that piece of dialogue might have used an intro, as it was not really meant to illustrate that last comment…

    In the looks department, Mastroianni was doing more than all right (when airhead Anita Ekberg falls for him in the movie, the selling point is not his witty lines or his existential angst)…

    Granted: he was more about classy italian suits and old-school borsalino hats… and in no scene does he appear wearing a man-skirt and sporting an oily freshly shaved torso. But then again, he’d also have been less likely to entirely snub said aching women in favor of his hunky, similarly-shaved, male co-star…

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