Behold! the wonders of Mobloging

After much, much, much fiddling and tweaking with bits of perl, PHP and MT configuration, I am now finally able to post text and pictures from my new keitai

The phone itself is pretty sweet, with tons of options that I am only slowly discovering at the pace of my limited Japanese decryption abilities (the whole interface is entirely in Japanese). Of course, it has all kind of nifty features, including a built-in camera that can take pics and short videos…

It also comes email-equipped, so the whole deal was “simply” to put together a nice little bridge to post these pictures in a special weblog that can be seen either as a separate weblog or as a side bar to this one…
Oh, and did I mention that it even display a small map if I send in GPS info generated by my phone? yea, it also has a GPS built-in.

I won’t get into the details of the implementation itself, except to say it was pretty gory, involved lots of small hacks and with dead pieces of code scattered all over the floor. I also made heavy use of this very handy perl script, although I had to move lots of stuff around to fit my needs and limitations…

Incidentally, this great piece of code was written by Dav Coleman, who used to be roommate with Cheu Koh (a friend of mine who seems to be somewhere in between Singapore and Sao Paulo at the moment). His girlfriend, Mie, used to have a really cool moblog where she posted pictures of her life in Tokyo, which she keeps doing from SF, in her new moblog. Her moblog was the first of the kind that I saw, about a year ago, when I moved to Tokyo…

I’ll try and release any useful piece of code I might have hacked for this, as soon as I have had a chance to clean the mess…

Anyway, thanks to this new addition, I’ll probably be posting a lot more pics in the near future…

Filed under: Geek