Had an ice-cream, overlooking Paris…

Sarah came back from Madrid for the week-end and dragged us around for shopping. we compromised on an ice-cream break on top of BHV (a huge department store located in the first arrondissement) with a nice view of the city. The top-floor “tea salon” of BHV is nothing too threatening to tiffany’s or even neiman marcus’, more like a big patch of astroturf and a few benches with an ice-cream stand in the middle. But at least it was way above car exhaust level, which is always appreciable in Paris.

Today was also gay pride in paris. I would have gone, since it’s usually lotsa fun with some really cool music, but forgot all about it and by the time friends called me, I just didn’t feel like it anymore: it’s so bloody hot & humid in paris right now that sitting at the local cafe with a beer and some light readings is as far as my ambition for an afternoon will go these days…

Filed under: Europe, Pictures