Straight from the news…

My friend and former neighbour/roommate Tracey forwarded me this:

Widow, 84, a prisoner in her own apartment Police allege 6 gang members dealt drugs from her S.F. home, even ate her senior meals.
SF Chronicle, May 24, 2005

We used to live in that building, two floors above (it was only four stories high). Yep, neighbours were always a bit weird…

Ah, joys of Mission street…


  1. Ah… that place was indeed something. Although I suspect it wasn’t anything as bad then as it is now. We moved in around the height of the joke, when even the whitest yuppies were ready to park their SUVs in the heart of the Mission. The place had just been redone, but you could tell it wouldn’t remain that way for long… Err, we kinda helped.
    For a short period of time, we were probably the biggest nightclub in the neighbourhood. 😀

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