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Update: a full up-to-date list of mixes is available here.
Lest we forget that the gentleman ranting endlessly on these pages actually spends a sizable share of his time lovingly fondling wax and stroking keyboards until harmonious bleeps of satisfaction come out in arpeggios… I added a little something to my online mix repository.
I should probably tell you this is some old mix I recorded 3 years ago and just found yesterday while cleaning up my room… ’cause none of the tracks are any more recent than that: didn’t do that on purpose, it just happened… and I’m not one to shun old tracks just because they are old.
truth be told, I was originally planning to put together a nice & clean new demo with all the shiny new stuff I brought back from my last US incursion. Some sick SF Deep House, loads of funky tribal white labels from Miami and countless other studio experiments courtesy of yours truly and his little robot friends…
So I started playing, garden bay-window wide open, basking in Tokyo’s shining April sun, and completely lost track somewhere amidst the heavy incense fumes.
OK. Maybe I should stop here in order to explain the incense part: I do NOT usually light up sticks of sacred incense every time I’m on the decks… See, the nice part about living right next to a cemetery, beside the fact your neighbours don’t mind the loud music at night, is that, every once in a while, the whole surrounding area is filled by the spiritual smell of dozens of massive incense sticks burning outside of the Buddhist temple. It’s like Benares, without the hundred of corpses floating on the Ganges in an advanced state of decomposition…
Anyway, the warm sunny day, the smell of incense (staple of every freakin’ tree-huggin’ peace-lovin’ Californian househead party, as everybody knows), my overall mellow disposition toward that shitty planet on that very day, all concurred to make me record this.
It’s not very funky, definitely not cutting-edge, not progressive, not loud, not like these at all… but it’s a rather groovy soundtrack to your spring & summer afternoons. It’s got some of my favorite tracks of the decade, along with a few gems straight from the secret stash of Master Dave. It’s mostly deep house, with some chunks of electro, to make sure everybody stays awake. It’s far from perfect and would most definitely call for a second take, but as I said, it’s merely a sidetracked session that came out nice enough. So I ain’t spending more time on it.
I just figured it would be nice to put some new music here and help putting at rest the aching ears of my fans… so here goes:
Dr Dave’s Summer Nostalgia Mix – 2004
PS: I might update this entry later on with a succinct tracklisting if I feel like it.
PPS: I guess now is also a good time to announce officially that we’ll throwing our first Summer Park Party in Yoyogi Koen next Month! On Sunday the 23rd of May, we’ll be bringing decks, groovy beats and good vibes to a lovely little spot inside the Park and playing for whoever cares to come share the afternoon with us. Stay posted for more info or contact me directly.
Using the internet on a daily basis and coping with the hoi polloi of the digital era makes me long for the days where the web was frequented mostly by CERN scientists and people knowing what the fuck they were doing. I ardently pray everyday for the institution of a mandatory Internet License granted to would-be users on the sole condition that they can justify an IQ somewhat half as high as my cat after he’s smoked his morning maui-wowi 3 incher (granted: the ability to roll a 3" with his paws altogether makes him a rather smart cat, but still)…
And I’m not talking here about spammers and other Nigerian sons of the General Abu-Ati who want to present you with an offer you can’t refuse. These are just low-life parasites of the net, unfortunate consequence of the flaws inherent to a network that was designed to resist nuclear attacks, but not insanely high doses of human stupidity mixed-in with greed. Everybody hate these guys, and they are the one most likely to get lynched when the falling apart of the North-American backbone eventually send mobs of angry slashdot nerds in the streets. No. I’m talking about the one users who *think* they are using the Internet properly. The ones who do not hide. First, there was the “friend” who’d forward you half-a-dozen emails to warn you about the impending “Internet sales tax to be voted any day now” and other bits of news that had usually been sitting on HoaxBuster or Snopes for a few months/years already. When tired of propagating inane Urban Legends, he would forward you insipid questionnaires quizzing you on particularly uninteresting details of your life, just in order to bore you with his own answers. Sometimes, he would also send you [insert random spiritual figure name’s here]’s advice on Life, Love and the Universe… obviously written by some uninspired anonymous self-help guru but always finishing with the ominous imprecation to forward these cheap pearls of wisdom to at least 20 other morons, lest you end up like the poor chap who last ignored this friendly advice and perished the following night at the hands of a dozen sex-starved male gorillas freshly escaped from the nearby zoo. One day, the same nitwit usually ends up opening one of these “Please open the attached file, there’s is something you’ll like in it”-type of email, figuring somebody has eventually caught on his idea to send useless pieces of junk to semi-strangers. When his infected computer starts spamming half the planet and slows down to a crawl, he barely notices, simply assuming that the chips are probably getting old, need some oiling or something… But, with the magic of exponential growth and successive waves of viruses, there is a slim but nonetheless quite appealing possibility that one of the next virus to hit and spread through that endless ring of bonehead-operated computers will put them all out of order. I mean, what if, for once and for the good of the Internet community, we were to put ourselves together at work and create a mail-virus similar to the ones in existence these days, except instead of the usual pimply-teenage-hacker stuff they are usually meant to do, it would irremediably anihilate every infected host-computer all at once on a given date. Now I know it’s not that easy to destroy hardware through a software virus, but nobody said we had to look for faulty processor instructions or elaborate things like that: considering the kind of users we are dealing with, displaying a neat MS Windows-like error message:Alert !
Your left processor has caught on fire. Please throw a bucket of water on the central unit and call 911 immediately.
… should do the trick… And simultaneously free-up my mailbox from its daily intake of pointless virus-infected mails sent through the computers of these second-class internet users.
But the email masses are not the only one polluting the net with their flat brainwaves. Nowadays, the same morons have expanded their realm to the Web. I am not talking about the overall subterranean level of most homemade web-pages and other acneic discussion boards: everybody has a right to express themselves (see: I’m not so radical after all), even if “expression” here consists of endless strings of LOLs, smileys and other sugary icons: as long as they don’t do it in my garden (or in my comments), I have no issue with it. It DOES however become an issue when the aforementioned cyber-hemmingways start trying to embed nifty pictures in their messages (so far, so good), opt for a picture from my website (can only be flattered, really), although they do not deem necessary to ask for my permission (that’s much less nice, quite rude and stupid — especially given how I’d probably say yes in any case; but actually, I can live with that too) AND have the bright idea to spare on their own bandwidth by hot-linking directly to the files on my server (in a nutshell: displaying pictures as if they were on their server, while still having the files being downloaded from my server in the background, in essence, having me pay for their traffic)… And THAT, I really do NOT like. I only caught on to it over the past few days, noticing some abnormal bumps in bandwidth usage (and by bumps, I mean literrally doubling or tripling over a few hours) and dissecting the weblogs, only to find out that a bunch of graphic files were being constantly queried directly by a multitude of pages on miscellaneous message-boards (probably people using them as signatures or something). Luckily, there is an easy fix to this irritating habit: of course, one can have fun renaming the incriminated files, so that whatever picture originally lifted from your website gets replaced by some nasty image, wherever it’s been used on the Net. But I’ve got better things to do with my time than keeping tracks of hot-linking morons and renaming my files all the time. In fact, adding a few lines to Apache .htaccess file for the website does the same job beautifully. So from now on, anybody hotlinking a picture from this website on a message board or any other external websites will get this image instead of the one targeted…And by the way: It goes without saying that, although I retain copyright on any pictures I put here, I will quite gladly grant use to nearly anybody provided they ask first.
Logan Airport deploys snitch-squad
At the security checkpoints, screening supervisors have a score sheet with a list of behaviors on it. If a passenger hits a certain number, a law enforcement officer will be notified to question the person.CNN via Boing Boing
Let me guess: along with the score sheet comes a set of color samples to match appropriately any evil dark-skin foreigner, I mean “suspect”…
And to the gregarious hordes of concerned citizens braying about how they don’t mind any further trampling of their personal liberties, as long as it can somehow “make them feel safe”, I think it bears repeating once again the ubiquitous quote (attributed to Franklin by most, although it also seems to have been uttered by Jackson in a slightly different version):
Those who would give up essential Liberty, to purchase a little temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety.
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5. How many preaching hours does it take to convert a person to a Jehovah’s Witness?
Top and bottom 20 countries of the ratio of one baptism to hours. The higher the ratio, the longer hours are needed to convert to Jehovah’s Witnesses. For example in Japan, it takes about 18,000 hours (!) of preaching to gain one baptism, whereas in Nepal it takes only 2000 hours.
So let’s not be too hard on those poor Japanese Witnesses: they got a much tougher gig than their counterparts in, say, Nepal, Congo or Tajikistan.
Another bit of some interest is that, according to these stats (let’s not forget they are provided by the JW’s church itself, therefore of more than dubious objective value, but anyway), Japan is the country where the church has incurred its highest number of defections last year, by a wide margin…
I guess the Freaky Religious Cult thing is not as popular as it used to be here…![]() |
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