Author: Dave's Keitai
Psycho Kitty
Knitting Club
At least one person has found a way to kill time on the subway home…
Keitai Post
Club 24
Keitai Post
Silly Gaijin
actually stole a bottle from the bar and drinkin it in the park. Im not proud… bad bad baaaad person.
Let’s not smoking, please
As a former heavy smoker who also dearly misses California’s insanely strict public smoking laws, I must still say most of the “scenarios” used by this new “public awareness” campaign are way beyond ridiculous: “Even if I step aside, my smoke will still be in the way”… now come on…
Not a pretty sight…
All red and it hurts…
gotta sit in the dark and let it pass…
Off the computer for today… ( ; _ ; )