Author: Dave's Keitai
Back on the Road
After a week camping on and off at my house, Kristy and Tara are back on the road… this time they are doing Eastern Europe before heading for Latin America… Good luck and see you soon girls!
Rick’s Bday pty
Xmas time!
Yea I know: it’s not even mid-november yet… But never too early to make a few bucks with little Jesus birth…
Psycho-Kitty II
Electric Duck DJ
at Amanis… Will be playing there every nights until Sunday…
Halloween party
At Metropolis Glitterball… Nigh impossible to walk three feet with Dan (the Ogre) and Silva (the Giant) without getting stopped by Pride fans…
Keitai Break
Leaving in 5 min for Europe via Moscow. Already feels like Siberia here (yea, Aeroflot legendary icy attendants). Will resume posting next week.