日本語能力試験の申し込み Wed - 8.31.2005 by Dave's Keitai·2 Comments JLPT application… Look at all the pretty colors! Don’t you want one too!?!
撤去 Wed - 8.31.2005 by Dave's Keitai·Comments Off on 撤去 Today’s Word is: 撤去 , to take away. As in: “Your bike was taken away. go to the other side of Tokyo and pay 3,000 yens to get it back.” Today’s Second Word is: “FUCK ME”
Design Festa Gallery Sat - 8.27.2005 by Dave's Keitai·Comments Off on Design Festa Gallery Guesthouse turned gallery in Harajuku.
About that birthday party in the park… Thu - 8.25.2005 by Dave's Keitai·2 Comments and yes, that river by my house is usually a 5 meter-wide dry expanse of concrete