Yep. It’s over.
For now.
More or less.
Still a few death throes and other bureaucratic idiosyncrasies to deal with, but for the most part, I’m done with the 10 g. of caffeine + 10 hours of studying per day… On to the next phase of my student career: one I should be enjoying exponentially more. No more mathematics for what I seriously hope to be the rest of my life, and even less physics. Eagerly awaiting results and decisions. Although the eagerness tends to vary with time of day and level of confidence in the positive outcome of said deliberations.
Anyway, let’s make a deal: I promise I won’t bore you with any more of my result anxieties, academic postpartum depression, career interrogations, hatred of the bureaucracy I am forced to deal with, and all sort of stuff that would make great session topics with my shrink, but very poor blogging material… On the other hand: if you know me, will meet me in the near future and value our friendship, you would be well advised to skip the subject altogether. If you are a complete stranger and happen to work in the administration of certain major Parisian university, you may be well advised to simply avoid meeting me, as I am quite certain the possibility of a friendship, however fleeting, would be highly compromised by the irrepressible urge I may have to strangle you with one hand while shoving form paper down your every orifices.
Now that we’ve got this out of the way, a last personal announcement:
I will be in Paris until Tuesday: if I haven’t been getting in touch with you (and I probably haven’t, seeing how I lived the past 3 weeks at the bottom of a very deep and dark cave with weekly bat-carriers as my only way of contact with the outside world), do get in touch with me and let’s try to get together for a beer or ten.
Also: shortly I’ll be posting my answers to our great quizz of the Summer.
Let the parties begin..
Out with the old and in with the new!!
Can you bring me back a decent expresso? k thanx…