

Guess what I lovingly planted in my garden two weeks ago and is starting to pierce the ground amidst the fallen sakura flowers?

  1. Hatch-a-Godzilla™ mini-eggs bought at Tokyu Hands
  2. 50 seeds of genetically engineered Tiger Orange Bud, brought back from my last trip to Amsterdam.
  3. Tyme, laurel, basil and half a dozen other wonderful cooking herbs that will help us make some killer BBQ this Summer…

No cheating…

Filed under: Keitai Log


  1. Neuro, I think you are alluding to what I indicated were “fallen sakura flowers” above…

    The stuff sprouting from the ground that I am mentioning is greenish and you’d need to know or have very good eyes to actually see anything more than a few green spots in a line… I’ll update with a picture as soon as it grows a bit…

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